Settings: 23.529
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Views: 62.594.177
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inpulzz cod4 settings, config & cfg 2012

Full Name -
Nickname inpulzz
Birthday -
Nationality CroatiaCroatia
Game Call of Duty 4Call of Duty 4
Since 2012-12-06
Last Update 2012-12-06
inpulzz screenshot

inpulzz Gear

Mouse -
Mousepad -
Keyboard -
Headset -
Monitor -
Chair -
Controller -
Case -

inpulzz Gaming PC Setup

Memory -
Motherboard -
Power Supply -
Storage -
Fan -
Cooler -

inpulzz config

The Call of Duty 4 config file of inpulzz has been downloaded 11 times. Download config_mp.cfg by clicking the download button below.
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inpulzz Settings

Resolution: 640x600
Aspect Ratio: -
Sensitivity: 6.0
Color: 1
Size: 10
This page contains the in-game settings, config files (cfg) and hardware setup of inpulzz. The inpulzz cod4 settings page has been viewed for 915 since it was added on 2012-12-06. The last time the settings of inpulzz were on 2012-12-06. Visit the cod4 settings page to view more Call of Duty 4 settings like inpulzz or visit upload section to add your own cod4 settings.
Other Call of Duty 4 settings
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Other Croatia gaming settings
inpulzz CFG file
// generated by Call of Duty, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+gostand"
bind ' "setz name fL'inpulzz:>"
bind + "set ame fL'ipuullzz : >"
bind . "say ^1GoodBay #"
bind 0 "set name fL'inpulzz:>"
bind 1 "weapnext"
bind 2 "weapnext"
bind 3 "com_maxfps 125"
bind 4 "+smoke"
bind 5 "+actionslot 3"
bind 6 "+actionslot 4"
bind 7 "+actionslot 2"
bind 8 "say SJAKKA^6!"
bind 9 "say SIT_DOWN^6!"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "say ^1Ljubis mi karakter :D"
bind C "gocrouch"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind G "+frag"
bind H "say ^2SHAT_UP !"
bind L "say ^1fIVE liON Clan Rega Nove igrace.need 1600h,high,hs on,ts on !!"
bind M "say ^1<---- pOZDRAV---->"
bind N "say ^1Odi na moju stranicu od xf i najedi se skilla !"
bind O "set name aD[z]aGa"
bind P "set name fL'aD[z]aGa :*"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind S "+back"
bind T "chatmodepublic"
bind U "r_gpuSync 0"
bind V "+melee"
bind W "+forward"
bind Y "chatmodeteam"
bind Z "noclip"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "toggle cl_paused"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F5 "+scores"
bind F12 "screenshotJPEG"
bind KP_HOME "toggle cg_thirdpersonangle 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0"
bind KP_UPARROW "timescale 5.0"
bind KP_PGUP "toggle cg_draw2D"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "timescale 0.5"
bind KP_5 "timescale 1"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "timescale 2.0"
bind KP_END "toggle cg_thirdpersonangle 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 "
bind KP_DOWNARROW "timescale 0.3"
bind KP_PGDN "toggle cg_thirdperson"
bind KP_ENTER "toggle g_compassShowEnemies"
bind KP_INS "toggle cl_freezedemo"
bind KP_DEL "toggle developer"
bind KP_SLASH "quit"
bind KP_MINUS "toggle cg_thirdpersonrange 1024 800 600 350 120"
bind KP_PLUS "toggle cg_thirdpersonrange 120 350 600 800 1024"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+toggleads_throw"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MWHEELDOWN "+attack;+reload;-reload;weapnext;wait 5;weapprev;+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 1"
bind MWHEELUP "+attack;+reload;-reload;weapnext;wait 5;weapprev;+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 1"
seta ai_corpseCount "10"
seta cg_blood "1"
seta cg_brass "0"
seta cg_chatHeight "8"
seta cg_chatTime "4000"
seta cg_connectionIconSize "0"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5"
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seta cg_drawBreathHint "1"
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seta cg_youInKillCamSize "6"
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seta compassMinRange "0.0001"
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seta compassPlayerHeight "18.75"
seta compassPlayerWidth "18.75"
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seta customclass1 "Custom Slot 1"
seta customclass2 "Custom Slot 2"
seta customclass3 "Custom Slot 3"
seta customclass4 "Custom Slot 4"
seta customclass5 "Custom Slot 5"
seta drew_notes "5"
seta dynEnt_active "0"
seta fx_marks "0"
seta fx_marks_ents "1"
seta fx_marks_smodels "1"
seta g_allowvote "0"
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seta g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity "80"
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seta g_dropForwardSpeed "10"
seta g_dropHorzSpeedRand "100"
seta g_dropUpSpeedBase "10"
seta g_dropUpSpeedRand "5"
seta g_log "games_mp.log"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta g_oldVoting "1"
seta g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "25"
seta g_redCrosshairs "1"
seta g_useGear "1"
seta g_useholdspawndelay "500"
seta g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500"
seta g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
seta hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000"
seta hud_enable "1"
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seta hud_flash_time_offhand "2"
seta hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5"
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seta hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33"
seta hud_health_startpulse_injured "1"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta loc_forceEnglish "0"
seta loc_language "0"
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta monkeytoy "0"
seta name "fL'aD[z]aGa :*"
seta net_noipx "0"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_socksPassword ""
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seta net_socksUsername ""
seta r_aaAlpha "off"
seta r_aaSamples "1"
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seta r_depthPrepass "0"
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seta r_dlightLimit "0"
seta r_dof_enable "0"
seta r_drawDecals "0"
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seta r_drawWater "0"
seta r_fastSkin "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_gamma "1.15476"
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seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_inGameVideo "1"
seta r_lodBiasRigid "0"
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seta r_lodScaleSkinned "1"
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seta r_monitor "0"
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seta r_texFilterAnisoMin "1"
seta r_texFilterMipMode "Force Bilinear"
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seta r_zFeather "0"
seta ragdoll_enable "0"
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seta rate "25000"
seta sensitivity "4.45238"
seta server1 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server16 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server9 ""
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seta snd_cinematicVolumeScale "0.85"
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seta snd_levelFadeTime "250"
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seta snd_volume "1"
seta sv_allowDownload "1"
seta sv_floodprotect "4"
seta sv_hostname "^1fIVE liON fL' "
seta sv_maxclients "24"
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