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skyyyYprocfg cod2 settings, config & cfg 2013

Full Name -
Nickname skyyyYprocfg
Birthday -
Nationality HungaryHungary
Game Call of Duty 2Call of Duty 2
Since 2013-03-04
Last Update 2013-03-04
skyyyYprocfg screenshot

skyyyYprocfg Gear

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Mousepad -
Keyboard -
Headset -
Monitor -
Chair -
Controller -
Case -

skyyyYprocfg Gaming PC Setup

Memory -
Motherboard -
Power Supply -
Storage -
Fan -
Cooler -

skyyyYprocfg config

The Call of Duty 2 config file of skyyyYprocfg has been downloaded 44 times. Download config_mp.cfg by clicking the download button below.
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skyyyYprocfg Settings

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This page contains the in-game settings, config files (cfg) and hardware setup of skyyyYprocfg. The skyyyYprocfg cod2 settings page has been viewed for 947 since it was added on 2013-03-04. The last time the settings of skyyyYprocfg were on 2013-03-04. Visit the cod2 settings page to view more Call of Duty 2 settings like skyyyYprocfg or visit upload section to add your own cod2 settings.
Other Call of Duty 2 settings
# Name Country Last Update
3cod2Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina2023-04-05
Other Hungary gaming settings
skyyyYprocfg CFG file
// generated by Call of Duty, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores ; g_teamname_allies ^6ALLIES^6; g_teamname_axis ^5AXIS^5; g_teamcolor_allies 1 0.1 0.5 0.7; g_teamcolor_axis 0 1 1 "
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+gostand"
bind , "exec be.cfg"
bind . "exec ki.cfg"
bind 0 "record;^3RECORD_^2STARTED"
bind 1 "weapnext"
bind 2 "toggle r_picmip 2 3"
bind 3 "say ^3ONE^4SHOO^5TAD"
bind 4 "+smoke"
bind 6 "say we play with xfire ON ? (^2c^7) Karbz"
bind 7 "say \" Ga toch wokken facking chinees je kunt niet eens door scope kijken beunhaas (^3c^7) Wang Lee Chang\""
bind 8 "rcon pam_timeout 1"
bind 9 "say Me iz Hacks!"
bind [ "say_team; cl_maxpackets 100; sv_fps 208; r_gpusync 0; ai_corpseCount 10; com_hunkMegs 512"
bind ] "say_team; cl_maxpackets 60; r_gpusync 0; com_hunkMegs 512; ai_corpseCount 1; cl_anglespeedkey 1.5; sv_fps 20"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "+binoculars"
bind C "gocrouch"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind G "+frag"
bind K "say_team ^3:^5DD"
bind L "openscriptmenu call timeout"
bind O "say_team POJDME ALE DOPICE!!!"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind S "+back"
bind T "chatmodepublic"
bind V "mp_QuickMessage"
bind W "+forward"
bind X "+holdbreath"
bind Y "chatmodeteam"
bind Z "+talk"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind ALT "+melee"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+melee_breath"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F4 "+scores"
bind F12 "screenshotJPEG"
bind KP_PGDN "mp_QuickMessage"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "toggleads"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
seta ai_badPathSpam "0"
seta ai_corpseCount "10"
seta ai_debugAccuracy "0"
seta ai_debugCoverSelection "0"
seta ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0"
seta ai_debugThreatSelection "0"
seta ai_ShowCanshootChecks "0"
seta ai_showClaimedNode "0"
seta ai_showRegion "0"
seta airlift_min_spec "0"
seta animated_trees_enabled "0"
seta b_clip_default "10"
seta b_rsd_bomb_arm "5"
seta b_rsd_bomb_defuse "5"
seta b_rsd_bomb_time "40"
seta b_rsd_queueTime_allies "30"
seta b_rsd_queueTime_axis "45"
seta bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "11"
seta bg_bobAmplitudeDucked "0.0075"
seta bg_bobAmplitudeProne "0.03"
seta bg_bobAmplitudeStanding "0.007"
seta bg_bobMax "8"
seta bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "480"
seta bg_fallDamageMinHeight "252"
seta bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval "500"
seta bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed "180"
seta bg_foliagesnd_minspeed "40"
seta bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval "500"
seta bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval "1500"
seta bg_ladder_yawcap "100"
seta bg_prone_yawcap "85"
seta bg_swingSpeed "0.2"
seta bind "p noclip"
seta bog_b_min_spec "0"
seta bot_enable "0"
seta capturelimit "0"
seta cf_AmmoStatusbar "8x8"
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seta cf_teamoverlay "9x9"
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seta cf_WeaponSwitch "32x32"
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seta name "^1ANABOLIC.^7skyyyY^1.INTEL"
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seta net_noudp "0"
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seta net_socksPassword ""
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