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qwertyman1 quake live settings, config & cfg 2014

Full Name -
Nickname qwertyman1
Birthday -
Nationality SwedenSweden
Game Quake LiveQuake Live
Since 2014-06-24
Last Update 2014-06-24
qwertyman1 screenshot

qwertyman1 Gear

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Controller -
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qwertyman1 Gaming PC Setup

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qwertyman1 config

The Quake Live config file of qwertyman1 has been downloaded 21 times. Download qm1.cfg by clicking the download button below.
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qwertyman1 Settings

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This page contains the in-game settings, config files (cfg) and hardware setup of qwertyman1. The qwertyman1 quake live settings page has been viewed for 993 since it was added on 2014-06-24. The last time the settings of qwertyman1 were on 2014-06-24. Visit the quake live settings page to view more Quake Live settings like qwertyman1 or visit upload section to add your own quake live settings.
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# Name Country Last Update
qwertyman1 CFG file

set name "^7qwerty^4m^7a^4n^71"
set clan "^4.^7_^4."

// -- HUD --
set cg_hudfiles "ui/visje.cfg"
set ch_customcrosshair "1"

// -- MOVING --
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "CTRL" "+movedown"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+moveup"
bind "MOUSE3" "+button2"
bind "SPACE" "+zoom"

// -- HAXX --
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "vstr rj"
bind "MWHEELUP" "vstr rj"
//set rj "+moveup; +attack; wait; wait; -moveup; wait; -attack; -attack; -attack" //Visje
set rj "+moveup ; wait 3 ; +attack; wait ; -moveup ; -attack" //Lorfa

// -- WEAPONS --

alias gauntlet "weapon 1; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 38;sensitivity 1.65;"
alias machinegun "weapon 2; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 32;sensitivity 1.65;"
alias shotgun "weapon 3; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 38;sensitivity 1.65;"
alias granade "weapon 4; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 32;sensitivity 1.65;"
alias rockets "weapon 5; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 2; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 32;sensitivity 1.65;"
alias lightning "weapon 6; cg_zoomfov 67; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 0; cg_crosshairsize 38;sensitivity 1.30;"
alias rail "weapon 7; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 28;sensitivity 1.65;"
alias plasma "weapon 8; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 0; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 38;sensitivity 1.65;"

bind "ENTER" gauntlet //Enter key is bound to a mouse button
bind "2" machinegun
bind "E" shotgun
bind "1" granade
bind "r" rockets
bind "MOUSE4" rockets
bind "q" lightning
bind "CAPSLOCK" lightning
bind "MOUSE5" rail
bind "f" plasma

//Misc Weapons
bind "c" "weapon 9; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 2; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 32;"
bind "x" "weapon 11; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 2; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 32;"
bind "z" "weapon 12; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 2; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 38;"
bind "v" "weapon 13; cg_zoomfov 42; cg_drawgun 2; cg_crosshairbrightness 1; cg_crosshairsize 32;"

set cg_zoomscale "0"
set cg_zoomscaling "0"
set cg_zoomToggle "0"

// -- MISC BINDS --
bind "BACKSPACE" "+acc"
bind "4" "+button2"
bind "F1" "vote yes"
bind "F2" "vote no"
bind "F3" "readyup"
bind "t" "messagemode"
bind "y" "messagemode2"
bind "TAB" "+scores"
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"
bind "." "screenshotjpeg"
bind "g" "dropweapon"
bind "h" "+button3" //taunt

bind "END" "say well fuck this;quit;" //ragequit;

bind "m" "dropflag"
bind "j" "droppowerup"

bind "U" "say_team powerup soon"
bind "3" "say ^4=)"

bind "0" "say_team ^7IN/OUT HIGH"
bind "P" "say_team ^7IN/OUT LOW"

// -- MOUSE --

set cl_mouseAccelStyle "0"
set cl_mouseAccelOffset "0"
set cl_mouseSensCap "0"
set in_mouse "2"
set m_filter "0"
set m_pitch "0.022"
set m_yaw "0.022"
set sensitivity "1.65" //Override in weapon binds

// -- VIDEO --

set r_displayrefresh "75"
set r_mode "17"

//seta r_customwidth "1280"
//seta r_customheight "1024"

//-2 desktop resolution -
//-1 custom resolution -
//0 320x240 4:3
//1 400x300 4:3
//2 512x384 4:3
//3 640x360 16:9
//4 640x400 16:10
//5 640x480 4:3
//6 800x450 16:9
//7 852x480 71:40
//8 800x500 16:10
//9 800x600 4:3
//10 1024x640 16:10
//11 1024x576 16:9
//12 1024x768 4:3
//13 1152x864 4:3
//14 1280x720 16:9
//15 1280x768 5:3
//16 1280x800 16:10
//17 1280x1024 5:4
//18 1440x900 16:10
//19 1600x900 16:9
//20 1600x1000 16:10
//21 1680x1050 16:10
//22 1600x1200 4:3
//23 1920x1080 16:9
//24 1920x1200 16:10
//25 1920x1440 4:3
//26 2048x1536 4:3
//27 2560x1600 16:10

set r_allowsoftwaregl "1"
set r_detailtextures "0"
set r_fastsky "1"
set r_lightmap "0"
set r_vertexlight "1"
set r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0"
set r_ext_compress_textures "1"

set cg_fov "99"
set r_dynamiclight "0"
set r_enablebloom "0"
set r_enableColorCorrect "0"
set r_intensity "1.3"
set r_overbrightbits "1.5"
set r_mapoverbrightbits "1"
set r_Mapoverbrightcap "255"
set r_ignorehwgamma "0"
set r_gamma "1"
set r_picmip "16"
set r_subdivisions "80"
set r_vertexlight "1"
set r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set r_texturebits "32" //Would like 16, but it looks too ugly
set r_colorbits "32" //Would like 16, but it looks too ugly
set r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
set r_lodbias "2"
set r_fullbright "0"
set cg_simpleitems "1"
set cg_simpleitemsradius "18"
set r_stencilbits "0"

set cg_screendamage "0"
set cg_bob "0"
set cg_screendamage_self "0"
set cg_screendamage_team "0"
set cg_screenDamageAlpha_Team "0"
set r_teleporterFlash "1"

set cg_crosshairbrightness "1.0" //Override in weapon binds
set cg_crosshaircolor "1"
set cg_crosshairhealth "0"
set cg_crosshairhitcolor "1"
set cg_crosshairhitstyle "0"
set cg_crosshairhittime "0"
set cg_crosshairpulse "0"
set cg_crosshairsize "38" //Override in weapon binds
set cg_drawcrosshair "2"

//Weapons Visuals
set cg_drawgun "0"
set cg_gunx "-10"
set cg_guny "2.5"
set cg_gunz "-8"

set cg_impactmarktime "0"
set cg_bubbletrails "0"
set cg_muzzleflash "0"
set cg_noprojectiletrail "1"

set cg_plasmastyle "1"

set cg_brasstime "500"
set cg_smoke_sg "0"

set cg_impactsparks "0"
set cg_impactSparksSize "2"
set cg_impactSparksVelocity "64"
set cg_impactSparksLifetime "5"
set cg_lightningimpact "1"
set cg_lightningimpactcap "768"
set cg_lightningstyle "4"
set cg_truelightning "1"

set cg_railStyle "1"
set cg_railtrailtime "350"
set cg_predictlocalrailshots "1"
set color1 "26"
set color2 "13"
set cg_oldrail "0"

set cg_rocketStyle "1"
set cg_smokeradius_rl "0"

set cg_smokeradius_gl "0"

//Nail gun
set cg_smokeradius_ng "0"

set cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright"
set cg_forceenemyteammodel "keel/bright"
set cg_enemycolor "0xFFFFFFFF"
set cg_enemyHeadColor "0x11FF5500"
set cg_enemyUpperColor "0x11FF5500"
set cg_enemyLowerColor "0x11FF5500"
set r_ambientScale "100"
set cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor "1"
set cg_teamcolor "0x45FF00FF"
set cg_deadBodyColor "0x000000FF"
set cg_deadBodyDarken "1"
set cg_forceredteammodel "" // Overrides cg_forceEnemyModel/cg_forceTeamModel when spectating.
set cg_forceblueteammodel "" // Overrides cg_forceEnemyModel/cg_forceTeamModel when spectating.
set cg_playerlean "0"
set cg_forceModel "1"
set headmodel "hunter/harpy"
set team_model "hunter/harpy"
set cg_forceTeamModel "crash"

//Misc Visuals
set cg_flagStyle "2"
set cg_waterWarp "0"
set cg_shadows "0"
set cg_draw3dIcons "0"
set cg_draw2D "1"
set cg_atmosphericEffects "0"

// -- GAME --

set com_maxfps "125"
set cg_drawFPS "1"
set com_soundMegs "128"
set com_hunkMegs "1024"
set com_zoneMegs "128"

set s_ambient "0"
set s_musicvolume "0"
set s_volume "0.4"
set music "0"
set cg_hitbeep "3"
set cg_killbeep "1"
set cg_chatbeep "1"

// -- MISC --

set cg_levelTimerDirection "0"
set bot_nochat "1"
set cg_allowtaunt "1"
set cg_autoaction "3"
set cg_autoswitch "0"
set web_chattimestamps "1"
set cg_draw3dicons "0"
set cg_drawAttacker "0"
set cg_drawcrosshairnames "1"
set cg_drawfragmessages "1"
set cg_drawitempickups "7"
set cg_drawrewards "1"
set cg_gibs "0"
set cg_itemfx "4"
set cg_kickscale "0"
set cg_leveltimerdirection "0"
set cg_marks "0"
set cg_newweaponbar "2"
set cg_nopredictitems "1"
set cg_playernames "0"
set cg_predictitems "0"
set cg_scoreplums "0"
set cg_smokeradius_dust "0"
set cg_smokeradius_flight "0"
set cg_smokeradius_haste "0"
set cg_smoothclients "1"
set cg_switchonempty "1"
set cg_switchtoempty "1"
set cg_waterwarp "0"
set cl_demorecordmessage "0"
set cl_maxpackets "125"
set cl_packetdup "0"
set cl_timenudge "0"
set com_allowconsole "1"
set com_blood "1"
set rate "25000"
set snaps "125"
set com_idleSleep "0"

// -- FINISH --
play "sound/weapons/lowammo.ogg"
play "sound/weapons/lowammo.ogg"
play "sound/weapons/lowammo.ogg"
print "^4-= ^7q^4m^71 config exec'd ^4=-"
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