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Blasts apex legends settings, config & cfg 2024

Full Name Jamie Levine
Nickname Blasts
Birthday 2003-03-12 (age 21)
Nationality United KingdomUnited Kingdom
Game Apex LegendsApex Legends
Since 2024-03-31
Last Update 2024-03-31
Blasts screenshot

Blasts Gear

Mouse Finalmouse Starlight Pro
Mousepad -
Keyboard Glorious GMMK Pro
Headset HyperX Stinger
Monitor ZOWIE XL2546K
Chair -
Controller -
Case CoolerMaster MasterBox TD500 Mid Tower

Blasts config

There is currently no config file available for Blasts.
Social Media
Twitch Blasts's Twitch
Twitter Blasts's Twitter
YouTube -
Instagram -
Facebook -
TikTok Blasts's TikTok
Steam -
Discord -

Blasts Settings

Display Mode Fullscreen
Resolution 1720x1080
Aspect Ratio -
Brightness -
Field of View -
Sprint View Shake -
V-Sync -
DPI 400
Mouse Sensitivity 1.8
ADS Mouse Sensitivity 1
Mouse Acceleration -
Mouse Invert -
Lighting Effects -
Video Advanced
V-Sync -
Anti-aliasing -
Texture Streaming Budget -
Texture Filtering -
Ambient Occlusion Quality -
Sun Shadow Coverage -
Sun Shadow Detail -
Spot Shadow Detail -
Volumetric Lighting -
Dynamic Spot Shadows -
Model Detail -
Effects Detail -
Impact Marks -
Ragdolls -

What is the real name of Blasts?

The real name of Blasts is Jamie Levine.

When is the birthday of Blasts?

Blasts was born on 2003-03-12.

How old is Blasts?

Blasts is currently 21 years old.

Which mouse does Blasts use?

Finalmouse Starlight Pro is the mouse Blasts is using.

What is the current keyboard Blasts is using?

Blasts is currently using the Glorious GMMK Pro keyboard.

What headset does Blasts currently wear?

Blasts wears the HyperX Stinger headset.

Which monitor is Blasts using?

The primary monitor of Blasts is the ZOWIE XL2546K.

Which GPU is in the PC of Blasts?

The PC of Blasts contains a MSI GeForce RTX 3070 GPU.

What CPU is Blasts using right now?

Blasts has a AMD Ryzen 7 5800X CPU in his gaming PC.
This page contains the in-game settings, config files (cfg) and hardware setup of Blasts. The Blasts apex legends settings page has been viewed for 253 since it was added on 2024-03-31. The last time the settings of Blasts were on 2024-03-31. Visit the apex legends settings page to view more Apex Legends settings like Blasts or visit upload section to add your own apex legends settings.
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